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The Night Crawler

Fashion Editorial Created by the graduating stylists of Mod'art International, in association with M.IND Mag.

Direction, Verses and Retouching by Sukiran Singh

ft. Ekateryna and Reeya Nair (TFM India)

Makeup -Niti Goenka

Hair- Roshni Prakash / Ben Bansi

Check out the images!


Look 1 The pill

‘The darks and the dingy, the souls without the will,

One down the slippery throat, the hazy world lays still’

Art direction and styling - Nidhi Jaiswal

Outfit -

On Ektereyna

Top- Flirtatious

Pants - Madison

Jewellery- Swarovski


Look 2 Lost souls

‘The toxic haze, where the eyes never met,

Jumbled mind, and alive to forget.'

Art direction and styling - Nidhi Jaiswal


On Ektereyna

Top- Flirtatious

Pants - Madison

Jewellery- Swarovski


Look 3 The Fate

‘Mirror Mirror on the wall, what shall be my fate?

Screeching sounds, blistering lights, and an empty slate.

Art direction and styling - Disha shah


On Ektereyna

Top- Flirtatious

Pants - Madison

Jewellery- Swarovski


Look 4 Alice

‘Leagues away and dimensions away,

The weak must pray, or end as prey.’

Art direction and styling - Priayanka gala


On Ektereyna Dress- DimpleAmrin


Look5 The Cage

‘Melancholic blues, breathing in thy mind,

break the bounds, and light thee shall find.’

Art direction and styling - Shreya shah


On Reeyaa dress- DimpleAmrin

On Ektereyna dress- DimpleAmrin


Look 6 The liberty

‘Oh sweet sweet freedom, your bright is divine,

Even though the way is murky, water tastes like wine.’

Art direction and styling - Fairyn Dias


On Ektereyna dress- Pallavi Mohan

On reeyaa dress - Dimpleamrin

Jewellery- Swarovski


Look7 Utopia

‘Where joys are mellow, in the myths of paradise,

illuminate one must, to sort the rats from mice.’

Art direction and styling - Supreet khurana


On Ektereyna dress - Karleo

Jewellery- Vasundhara jewellery


Look 8 Mused

‘If stars are glow-worms, my inquisitive mind wonders,

or maybe they are really, Thor’s flashing thunders.’

Art direction and styling - Yohaniza Khan


On Ektereyna

dress - Pallavi mohan


Look 9 The hitchhiker

‘Dark is the reality, dark is the mind.

If mind is the reality, then what else shall you find?’

Art direction and styling - Aayushi Samtani


On Ektereyna

Cape- Dimpleamrin

Pants - Zara

Boots - Forever 21


Look 10 The Phoneix

‘I might perish off the thousand lashes,

but, Thou Shalt fall and rise from the ashes’

Art direction and styling - Vishruti Gandhi


On Ektereyna

Lingerie - La lenceria


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